You don’t need to exit the App Store and follow one of the above methods to remove the app. While updating applications, you may decide that you want to delete an application instead of updating it. Remove apps from the update list in the App Store Tap Remove app in the confirmation dialog that appears.You can easily reinstall the application in the future.

You may want to free up the space used by Application Documents and Data. If you prefer not to delete the application completely, so as not to lose the application data, you can download the application and keep the data on your phone using the Download application option.I can remove the Pebble app now that I no longer wear my Pebble watch. Scroll down the list until you find the app you want to remove. It may take a while for the list of applications installed on your phone to be generated, depending on the number of applications you have installed.If you’d rather not deal with the pop-up menu or moving icons, you can remove apps in Settings. Tap Done in the upper right corner of your screen when you are done removing apps.Tap the X on any other app you want to remove.Then tap Delete in the confirmation dialog that appears.Tap the X on the icon of the application you want to remove.This option was previously called Reorganize Applications. Then, you can tap the small x on the upper corner of the app.Youll then be prompted with an option to delete the app and its data. First, the simple method is to tap and hold the offending apps icon on your home screen until all your iPhones app icons begin to jiggle.
Long-press an app icon and tap Edit home screen from the pop-up menu. Heres how to delete an iPhone app for good. This is useful if you want to quickly remove multiple applications.